
When I first started my podcast site, BGRLearning.com, three years ago I did not have a lot of content.  I believe I started it with about 10 podcasts.  Now I have well over one hundred podcasts there. Some of those podcasts are directly based on articles I have written here on BiblicalGenderRoles.com and others are based on articles from my BiblicalSexology.com site or my Instagram pages.    And many podcasts are original to my podcast site and are not based on any articles or posts I have written elsewhere.   

My “Dear BGR” podcasts center on emails I receive from men and women about the issues of life like finding a spouse, sex in marriage and discipline in marriage.  In my “BGR Review” podcasts I review articles, books, or news stories from a Biblical perspective.  And there are also some podcasts that are in a general lesson format teaching basic fundamental doctrines of the Bible that relate to gender roles.

Below is the brand new face lift I started in April of 2022  (and will gradually finish) of my podcast site.  Everything is still functional, you just might see some cosmetic changes in pop in from time to time.