Is advocating for overthrowing the government?

I love both the institution of government and my American nation in particular and I also love the institution of the Church as well as my local church that I attend.  But that does not mean that I will not point out failure and corruptions that have occurred in both these institutions that are ordained by God.

There is a feminist and egalitarian writer on name Suzanne Calulu that has been reviewing various articles on my blog for some time.  She is not really writing full reviews – but they really are just quick comments.  Every once in a while I will check out what she has to say about my blog if I am in the mood for a chuckle.

If you search for the tag “Larry Solomon – Biblical Gender Roles” on you will see all her reviews of my past articles.  If you look closely at many of her reviews (which are just a couple of paragraph comments) you will see she often misrepresents me to build a straw man for her audience.  Up until now I have not felt the need to respond but because of recent accusations she has made against me regarding my views of government I felt I needed to publically respond to her libel.

Suzanne Calulu posted a review of my blog on April 5th 2018 entitled “Seizing Christian Evangelical Control Over the Government by Suppressing Women?” in which she stated the following:

I have used screen shots here just in case she tries to delete the article or change her wording.  So if you notice in her title she says I that advocated for Christian evangelicals seize control of the government.  Then in her comment she writes that I said Christians need to “overthrow everything…in order to establish an Evangelical Theocracy.”

In a second review she posted on April 12th 2018 entitled “Suck It Up Brown and Black People – White Folks Rule According to Larry Solomon” Calulu writes the following statement below:

Calulu ‘s statement “He has advocated the violent overthrow of our government by his Theocracy buddies…” and then she insinuates that I should be on the radar of the FBI for what I have written regarding government.

If you look at the two articles she is referencing, which she does not even mention because she does not want her readers actually reading my site, you will find no such assertions by me in either article or for that matter any article on

The two articles she is reviewing are “The Case for Christian Nationalism” and “Why Whites Don’t Have to Apologize For White Privilege”.   Read these articles for yourself and you will see the falseness of her accusations.

In the Case for Christian Nationalism I write this about how I envision it would be possible for Christian Nationalism to come to power:

“Secular humanism, feminism, egalitarianism and a host of other false gods have fortified themselves much like Jericho did.  They control the courts, legislatures and media.  Only God can take down the stronghold of these false gods that are entrenched in our society.  But we must do our part as Christians to call it out until he does and when he does we as Bible believing Christians need to be prepared to go in after God brings the walls down.”

So, in no way was I advocating for the “violent overthrow of our government.  I said clearly that only God can take down the strongholds that exist in our government and that eventually the government will collapse and I did not insinuate this would happen due to some evangelical Christian army invading Washington, D.C. But rather it will collapse because God brings it down for violating his design of government, nations, marriage and genders.

How will God cause the collapse of the United States?

My wife and I like to watch home remodeling and improvement shows.  What you will find when watching these shows is when they look to knock out walls they must take into consideration that there might be main support beams.  They have to work around these beams or if they can’t they have to add additional supports elsewhere.  If they just cut out the support beams what used to be a solid house structure will eventually crumble.  Sure the house might look nice cosmetically, but if its structure is not sound none of that will matter and it will eventually fall.

The same principle is true in a nation.  As I showed in my article “The Case for Christian Nationalism”, there are three main pillars which support any nation.  These pillars are common religion, common ethnicity and common language.  If you remove any of those pillars eventually that nation will fall.

I showed the United States started as a nation whose people were overwhelming Christian, were mostly of British descent and who spoke English.  I said the founders in their efforts to guard against Christian Church-State governments left the door wide open for secularism to take over America.  Eventually this pillar, that of common religion, began to collapse.

After the Civil War and then changes in immigration law in the 1960’s another pillar was badly damaged and this is the pillar of common ethnicity.  Previously there were quotas in place to make sure most immigrants to America came from Northern European white countries.  These quotas were removed.

So, in a way it is like someone took a saw to two of the main support beams of a house (common religion and common ethnicity) and cut three quarters of the way through each one.  Eventually when one of them snaps the house caves in.

I believe that God has been holding the weakened supports of the United States together but at a point very soon he will let go and allow his natural laws to take full effect.  We in America have sowed “diversity” or what it really is – “division” and we will reap the consequences of that.  Racial, political and religious differences on multiple fronts will eventually lead to the collapse of the United States.

My point in my statements in previous articles was not for advocating for the violent overthrow of the United States government by some Evangelical Christian army.  But instead it was that once the government collapses due to a variety of factors Christians should be ready to take control in the absence of a functioning government as opposed to overthrowing a functioning government like what we have now (despite its many flaws and imperfections). Even then when I talk about taking control what I am really alluding to is secession or the mutual breakup of the United States into smaller more unified and thus less diversified parts.

Update 4/25/2018:

I was going to do an article with small short story illustrating a possible future breakup of the United States scenario.  But I have really gotten into writing the story and it is growing and will take some time to get all my ideas into it.  So I will do some other shorter articles in the meantime and get back to you when this story is done.  I am really enjoying it and I might have some friends help me proof read it and make adjustments for style.

Pompeo Was Right, Homosexuality Is a Perversion

“America had worshipped other Gods and called it multiculturalism. We’d endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle” these words were uttered by Mike Pompeo in 2015 at a “God and Country” rally at Summit Church in Wichita, Kansas. Mike Pompeo was actually citing the words of a prayer by Pastor Joe Wright but he was very much endorsing those words.

You can watch Mike Pompeo’s speech here:

Mike Pompeo was a vocal advocate against gay rights and gay marriage during his three terms as a Kansas congressman.

In yesterday’s senate confirmation hearings for his nomination to the position of Secretary of State Senator Cory Booker questioned him as to whether he believed homosexuality was a perversion to which Mike Pompeo responded “When I was a politician, I had a very clear view on whether it was appropriate for two same-sex persons to marry…I stand by that.”

Senator Booker asked him again “So do you not think it is appropriate for two gay people to marry?” and Pompeo’s response wasSenator I continue to hold that view.  Senator Booker concluded his questioning with the following statement:

 “You are going to be representing this country and their values abroad…your views do matter…I do not necessarily concur that you are performing the values of our nation when you can’t even, when you believe that there are people in our country that are perverse…”

I will give my response to Senator Booker’s attack on Mike Pompeo’s Christian faith in the broader context of some of Mr. Pompeo’s previous statements about the intersection between faith and politics.

Below are some excerpts from an article from, written by Tara Isabella Burton, entitled “Mike Pompeo, Trump’s pick for secretary of state, talks about politics as a battle of good and evil”:

“That Pompeo is an evangelical Christian is, on its face, not particularly notable; 25 percent of Americans are. But Pompeo’s specific brand of evangelical Christianity, with its insistence on seeing Muslim-Christian relations as an apocalyptic holy war, makes him an unnerving choice for such a senior foreign policy position.”

Mike Pompeo is absolutely right that the Islamic Jihad being waged is absolutely a proxy war between Western Civilization which was founded on Christian values vs the Islamic world.  Islamic terrorists very much see the war in this way and we do a great disservice when we try and ignore this fact.

Burton continues:

“During his tenure as CIA director, and before that as a member of the House of Representatives, Pompeo has consistently used language that casts the war on terrorism as a cosmic divine battle of good and evil. He’s referred to Islamic terrorists as destined to “continue to press against us until we make sure that we pray and stand and fight and make sure that we know that Jesus Christ is our savior is truly the only solution for our world…

Pompeo clarified that only a small percentage of Muslims were, in fact, terrorists (although in a 2013 speech, he called them potentially complicit in terrorism). Still, his language echoes a wider point: that the war against terrorism can be fought, in part, with Christian faith…”

I say Amen to Mike Pompeo’s previous statements.  Jesus Christ is the savior of the world and he is the only solution for our world. I also agree that the war against terrorism can be fought in part with the Christian faith and the other part of course is sending terrorists on the fast track to hell through the use of American bullets and cruise missiles. We are reminded of the words of King David in this regard:

“Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight”

Psalm 144:1 (KJV)

Burton then alludes to the previous statement by Mr. Pompeo which Senator Cory Booker took him to task over in today’s hearing:

“In other speeches, he’s characterized American domestic politics as a similarly apocalyptic struggle between good and evil, in which other (non-Christian) faiths and political views were signs of cultural decay. He cited a sermon previously delivered by Pastor Joe Wright in front of the Kansas state legislature: “America had worshipped other Gods and called it multiculturalism. We’d endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle.” Sources inside the CIA told Foreign Policy that Pompeo’s speeches within the CIA are no less loaded with explicitly religious language…”

Again Pompeo is absolutely correct.

Politics is absolutely a struggle between good and evil, between what is moral and right and what is immoral and wrong. 

I know that some of my readers are uneasy when I speak on political matters and wish I would just stick strictly to Biblical gender roles and other matters of the Christian faith.

But what I want my readers to understand is you cannot separate these two worlds. Our political world is a reflection of our spiritual and moral world.  Christians cannot hide in the shadows and say “it’s not our fight”.   We need to stand up for what God says is right and we need to take our Christian morals to the voting box with us.  We need to stand for what we believe is right in the midst of a country that has turned its back on it’s Christian heritage.

I very much disagree with Pastors who believe they cannot speak on political matters from the pulpit when they have the greatest source of political truth at their fingertips – the Bible.  Before the infamous Johnson amendment of 1954 Pastors since the beginning of our nation spoke on political matters directly from their pulpits and I believe we need that again after we return our churches to the Bible (which many have forsaken).

Multiculturalism has been poisonous for our culture and it will be one of the primary causes for the fall the United States and Western Civilization.  Mike Pompeo knows this. And yes our culture used to regard homosexuality and transgenderism as a perversion before we have in recent years just called it “an alternative lifestyle”.

The word of God is clear on this topic of homosexuality:

“26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient”

Romans 1:26-27 (KJV)

So yes Senator Booker – two gay people having sex or marrying is not only “inappropriate” but it also an unnatural perversion in the eyes of God and it should also be in the eyes of man.

Burton alludes to the unsubtle way in which Pompeo links American patriotism with its Christian roots:

“For Pompeo, American patriotism and a narrowly defined brand of Christian pugilism are inextricable from one another. He’s not subtle about it, either. “To worship our Lord and celebrate our nation at the same place is not only our right,” he told attendees at a Kansas rally in 2015, “it is our duty.” He added that politics is “a never-ending struggle … until the rapture.”

He is absolutely right that American patriotism can absolutely find its roots in our Christian founding as John Adams stated in a letter to Thomas Jefferson:

The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”

Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson (Washington D. C.: The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904), Vol. XIII, p. 292-294.

Changing Definitions of What Is “Perverse”

Back in November of 2017, the New York Daily News ran an article entitled “I’m With The Perv!” when Trump supported Roy Moore.  Also many people today think of polygamy as a perversion.

So apparently liberals actually do believe to use Booker’s words “that there are people in our country that are perverse”. But they have a different definition of perverse.

Today we call what men did throughout much of the history of the world “perverse” and what was called perverse not too long ago in this very nation we now call “a right”.

In fact to call homosexuality a perversion is to now be labeled a “hater” according to the GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis:

“Mike Pompeo’s reaffirmed opposition to marriage equality and LGBTQ rights further proves that he is dangerously wrong to serve as our nation’s chief diplomat,” Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of the LGBTQ rights group GLAAD, said in a statement.

“His personal ties to anti-LGBTQ hate groups and clear refusal to support the hard-fought equal rights of the LGBTQ community make him wholly unqualified to promote human rights abroad,” Ellis continued.”

This wickedness of calling good evil and evil good reminds of a Bible passage that I cite often on this blog:

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)

Our standard as Christians of what is considered “perverse” behavior cannot be based on how we were raised, our life experience, what our culture teaches or even what our laws or Supreme Court says is perverse or wrong.  Our standard must be a higher standard and that is the Word of God.

“And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.”

Luke 4:4 (KJV)

We are called to renew our mind, to undo our cultural programming and the programming of our sin natures on a daily basis and remake our thinking so that it lines up with what God says and not what man says:

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Romans 12:2 (KJV)

And while we should love all people, all sinners, including homosexuals wishing for them to repent and accept the Gospel we are called by God to hate sin:

“Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.”

Psalm 97:10 (KJV)


As Christians we should pray that God sends more men to Washington like Mike Pompeo who believes that “Jesus Christ our savior is truly the only solution for our world” and will not change his position on gay marriage because God has not changed his position in his Word.

We need to pray that more Pastors of Churches will grow spines and harken unto the words of Mike Pompeo that politics is “that a never-ending struggle … until the rapture.”   We cannot stick our heads in the sand as evangelical Christians any longer saying we have no business in the political world.  It is our duty to bring Christ into every sphere of humanity including and especially the sphere of government.