The Weinstein Verdict Sets a Very Bad Precedent

As far back as 3500 years ago, the Bible required that there be corroborating evidence in the form of at least two witnesses before someone could be convicted of any crime (Deuteronomy 19:15-20). In other words, you could not just accuse someone of a crime, whatever that may be. The burden was on the accuser to present corroborating evidence of the crime.

And about 250 years ago, Benjamin Franklin stated “That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved.”
But in our post-feminist and humanist society, it is feelings, not facts and logic, which have become the basis for economic and social policies. And the justice system is no exception to this rule. Before the women’s rights movements got rid of protections in the 1980’s, corroborating evidence was required to prove a man raped or sexually assaulted a woman just as you would have to have corroborating evidence to convict a person of any other crime. In other words, prior to the 1980’s the burden of proof was on the accuser of sexual assault, not the one being accused as it had been for thousands of years.

But from the 1980s onward, in any case of a sex crime, the burden of proof was transferred from the accuser to the accused. The only protection left for those accused of sex crimes without corroborating evidence was that most juries would still not convict people for sex crimes without corroborating evidence even though the law no longer required it for a conviction. This is why in most cases prosecutors would decline to prosecute people without corroborating evidence.

The Weinstein Verdict has now broken this legal precedent and many other precedents. Two women accused Weinstein of rapes than occurred more than a decade ago. The defense proved from emails they consented to meeting with Weinstein to have sex with him many times after the supposed rapes occurred. They said they only did so to further their careers.

Weinstein was convicted on two counts of rape, with absolutely no corroborating evidence. The real sad truth is that Weinstein had already been convicted in the court of public opinion and no one on this jury had the courage to stand up to the MeToo mob who wanted their piece of Harvey’s flesh no matter what horrible legal precedent this would set.

There is a Silver Lining in the Weinstein Verdict

In September of 2019, an article on made the following observations about the negative consequences of the MeToo movement on women in the workforce:

The unintended consequences of #MeToo just seem to get worse and worse. Initially, there was evidence that men were shying away from one-on-one interactions with women at work, including mentoring, one-on-one work meetings and socializing. Now, new research reveals women may be less likely to be hired for jobs where they are required to interact with men…

Reluctance to hire women joins a long list of behaviors at work that have been negatively impacted by #MeToo. Research from and SurveyMonkey last spring revealed that a whopping 60% of male managers were uncomfortable participating in common, job-related activities with women, such as mentoring, working alone together or socializing together. And the Pew Research Center found 51% of employees reported feeling that #MeToo made interactions with the opposite sex at work harder.”

Even the dating scene has taken a big hit thanks to the MeToo movement as an article from observed:

The #MeToo movement seems to be exacerbating daters’ anxieties about sexual assault and hookup culture,” she said. “In years past, young people were extremely excited about discussions surrounding sex, online dating, sexuality, etc., but now they’re worried about political correctness.”

Ella Whelan wrote an article for entitled “#MeToo has ruined the office romance” where she stated the following:

“Companies are responding to the sexual-harassment panic by banning alcohol from office parties and instituting policies on how long and how close personal interactions should be…

The truth that no one seems willing to admit is that many heterosexual women, even today, expect men to make the first move in a relationship… But in the post-#MeToo office, unless you send a memo to the guy you fancy, signed with your consent at the bottom, it is understandable that he wouldn’t want to make the first move for fear of being hauled before human resources.

So, let’s see. MeToo has made it harder for women to get hired, and for those women who already have jobs it has made it harder for them to get mentored by male coworkers and thus climb the corporate ladder. Metoo has also put a huge damper on office romances and on the hookup culture.

Sounds like a big win for those us who believe what the Bible says about women in 1 Timothy 5:14 that they should “marry, bear children, guide the house”. And also, anything that makes men have more fear about initiating sex outside of marriage is a good thing for society.


Could Harvey Weinstein have done exactly what these two women who accused of him of rape said? Yes. In fact, I think there is a good chance that he did. If Harvey Weinstein did indeed do these acts with these women and many others, he violated God’s law and God will hold him accountable one day at the judgement for all the wicked things he has done. But the same law of God which forbids fornication and forbids a man forcing himself sexually on a woman who is not his wife also requires corroborating evidence for any man to be convicted of such a crime. And that burden of proof was not met in this trial.

But the silver lining in MeToo’s corruption of our justice system is that it will be harder for women to get into the workforce and work their way up and it will help to discourage sex outside of marriage by keeping men cautious of being alone with women whom they are not married to.

And I am all for a man needing a document with a woman’s signed consent to have sex at the bottom of it and that document is a Marriage Certificate. Then he never has to worry about making a move on her again for the rest of his life! A man can freely do what the Bible not only allows husbands to do, but commands husbands to do and that is to “let her breasts satisfy thee at all times” (Proverbs 5:19) never “leaving the natural use of the woman” (Romans 1:27).

One final note to men in wake of this Weinstein verdict. If you follow the Pence and Graham rule and never allow yourself to be alone with a woman that is not your blood relative or your wife then you won’t have to worry about becoming the next Weinstein.

Do you still hold the “I am not comfortable with that” card?

Christ wife do you still hold the “I am not comfortable with that” card in your Christian marriage? If you do you need to get rid of it.  Let me explain what I mean.

You might consider yourself to be a wife who believes in submission to your husband.  You may even be able to show proof of your belief by showing times where you and your husband have disagreed on financial decisions or decisions regarding his career where you have simply followed him.

But then you hold on to the “I am not comfortable with that” card especially when it comes to you being asked to do things by him you are not comfortable with.  And we are not talking about things that are clearly outlined as sinful in the Bible like him asking you to commit adultery with another man or to murder someone or steal from someone.  We are talking about things he is asking you to do that are outside your comfort zone.

For instance, what if he decided it was ok for your young teens to watch a TV show or movie you did not think they should watch? What if he allowed them to play a game you think they should not play? And he wanted you to allow them to do these things even when he is away.

On a more personal level, what if he asked you to wear certain clothing in the bed room? What if he asked you to wear certain clothing in public (think going on a date or going to the beach)?  What if he asked you to change your makeup?  What if he asked you to do something uncomfortable in bed?

Do you pull out the “I am not comfortable with that” card as an exception to God’s command to submit to your husband “in everything”? Or have you convinced yourself that you not feeling comfortable with something equals that thing being sinful?  If you have done this you need to remember that God has made your husband your spiritual authority and instructor in his Word.  The Scriptures say to wives in 1 Corinthians 14:35 that “if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home”.

Christian wives, Ephesians 5:24’s command for you to submit to your husband “in every thing” means throwing out your “I am not comfortable with that” card.

I Would Want to Kill Myself Rather Than Be A Woman

“Why do you guys feel the need to be superior then woman in literally EVERYTHING. It’s like woman can’t catch a break! I’m not trying to be rude as I’m only twelve. Why is this discussion important? Shouldn’t we be talking about God instead of another disadvantage of getting the trash gender? I’d hate to be born female. I would’ve cut of my genitals if I had to. Just so I would get the gender that gets have a relationship with God. Please, Larry just explain to me. Why? Why do woman have to be inferior? Why do they need to be second class. Imagine this, being born with something that you couldn’t control and you having to be nothing more then an object. I’d rather kill myself having to have that gender.”

This was a comment I recently received from a young man who called himself Daniel.

Neither I, nor most of the commenters on this site feel the need to be superior to women in “literally EVERYTHING”.  What we do feel the need to do is proclaim God’s Word to a generation that has abandoned the doctrines concerning gender roles as found in the Bible.

Women actually do have advantages or superior abilities over men when it comes to caregiving and nurturing.  God has given women this advantage as part of his design for them to be caretakers of children as we read in the passage below:

“4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

Titus 2:4-5 (KJV)

And speaking of children.  In God’s design women get to experience the joy of carrying another human being inside them and then molding and shaping that little person’s life for their first few years of their life.  What an awesome privilege this is!

Why is this discussion important?  Why can’t we just talk about God?

It is important to have this discussion because you cannot fully talk about God without discussing his design and intention for our lives.

The Apostle Paul said in Acts 20:27 “For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God”.  Paul was saying he was not afraid to declare all the law of God and all his intended purposes for our lives.  Today most Christian pastors and teachers and have actually cowered in fear of our culture and they are horrified of being labeled as misogynists for teaching that the Bible says God made woman for man and to be in subjection and service to man.  Unfortunately, this is the culture you and your fellow teens have grown up in.

Why does woman have to be inferior to man in many ways?

1 Corinthians 11:7 give us the answer when it states “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man”.  It is because God created man, the male human being, with his masculine human nature to live out the attributes of God with his life.  He created woman as “the weaker vessel” (1 Peter 3:7) for man to help him fully live out the attributes of God by needing his leadership, provision and protection.

This is why God made men with more muscle mass, more logical and systemizing natures as well as being more aggressive and competitive.  All of these attributes represent the image of God in man.   Woman was given her shared human attributes with man not to represent God with her life, but rather to make her a suitable companion for man.  This was meant to picture how all of mankind is weaker than God and needs his strength, his provision and his leadership.

The Bible Teaches Us To Honor Woman as The Weaker Vessel

The Bible teaches us that a woman’s weakness in comparison to man should not be shamed, but rather it should be honored as part of God’s plan to paint a beautiful picture of the relationship between himself and his people.  In the 5th commandment in Exodus 20:12, God commands that women are to honored as mothers and in 1 Peter 3:7 husbands are commanded to give “honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel”.

This is why as Christians we should never refer to women as “the trash gender”. And it is not treating women as trash to say that they should know their role in God’s creation and act accordingly anymore than it is treating men as trash to say they owe unconditional love, leadership, provision and protection to the women God has placed under their authority.

A Person’s Value Does Not Come From Equality

Lastly, regarding your feeling that you would want to kill yourself if you were a woman if this is God’s design for woman.  This is a message I receive all the time.  Probably about once a week at least.  The reason for your feelings is because you have been raised in a humanist culture where equality, rather than duty is it is highest value.  If a person does not have equal rights and privileges with another person than they are being said to be treated as less than human and their life does not have value.

This is why many today, reason that is better to abort a child that will have some physical disability or be born to an impoverished family.  Because after all, if they will not be equal in their physical abilities and equal in their lifestyle to others, what is the point of the life?

The Bible however, give us a very different perspective of what should give meaning and value to our lives:

I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

Isaiah 43:6-8 (KJV)

Teens, the Bible teaches us that that the value of our lives comes not from our equal rights, privileges, health or economic status with other human beings but rather it comes from being created by God as part of his design to bring him glory.  And wherever he chooses to place us in his design, whether as male or female, strong or weak or rich or poor we should always give God the praise and glory for the life he has given us.

Virginia Delegate Calls Fornication Laws “Stupid”

Law makers in Virginia are rescinding Virginia Code 18.2-344 which states “Any person, not being married, who voluntarily shall have sexual intercourse with any other person, shall be guilty of fornication, punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor”.

Here is more on the story from WTVR in Richmond Virginia:

“Del. Mark Levine (D – Alexandria) introduced House Bill 245 [] to repeal what he called a Victorian-era law. The Virginia Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional in 2005…

The bill received bipartisan support on the floor. The seven votes against it [] came from Republican lawmakers. One Democrat abstained.

“Now that the Democrats are in power, I’m thrilled to get it off the books,” Levine said.

Levine pointed out that this is a crime a majority of Virginians have probably committed at some point in their life.

“It’s a stupid law. It’s crazy,” Levine said.

This is Levine’s second attempt to repeal the law, and the third by Democrats since 2014.

I had that fornication bill before, it couldn’t get out of committee. The world has changed,” Del. Mark Sickles (D-Fairfax) said Thursday from the House floor. Sickles introduced the bill [] that failed in 2014.”

We must remember that civil fornication laws, like laws against murder and theft are simply reflections of God’s moral law as found in the Bible.  God established civil government, not to add to his moral law or take away from his moral law, but to enforce his moral law.

“For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.”

Romans 13:4-6 (KJV)

Yes, the world has changed, but the Bible tells us in Psalm 33:11 “The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations”.  And God’s counsel regarding fornication is found in Hebrews 13:4 where it states “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge”.

We can argue about what the civil penalties should be for fornication.  But to remove all condemnation of it from our laws and to call such laws “stupid” and “crazy” is to call the law of God stupid and crazy.  And if I were a law maker, that is not something I would ever want to say. It is sad that only seven Virginia Republican law makers agreed that we should not call God’s laws stupid and crazy.

Ladies – Don’t Be A Pig

How often do we hear from women “men are pigs!” and usually this is in reference to men being slobs or men acting in what may or may not be inappropriate sexual ways toward women.  But did you know the Bible exhorts women not to act like pigs? In Proverbs 11:22 the Bible says “As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion”.

When a woman speaks out of place that is a woman without discretion.  An example would be when a woman’s father or husband are speaking with a group of people and the woman interjects with an opinion that contradicts her father or her husband.

A woman who says whatever she wants, whenever she wants and however, she wants to say it is a pig.

Husbands Be Angry, But Don’t Be Bitter

be angry and sin not

In Ephesians 4:26 the Bible tells us “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath” but in Colossians 3:19 the Bible also states “Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them”.  As husbands it should anger us when our wives’ disrespect or disobey us or when they shame us in front our children or others. It should anger us when our wives’ habitually and consistently sexually deny us.   Our masculine natures were designed by God to desire respect and submission from our wives as he desires respect and submission from his people.  Our anger at these sorts of behaviors in our wives is not only righteous, but it is an expression of the masculine image of God within us.

However, our flesh wants to convert that righteous anger into bitterness which is sin.   Bitterness is holding a grudge and being resentful.

Thankfully the Bible tell us how to stop righteous anger from turning into sinful bitterness and that is to “let not the sun go down upon your wrath”.  Don’t hold on to it.  If your anger truly is righteous based on your wife’s sinful behavior, then confront that behavior there and then. Do as Christ does with his church in Revelation 3:19 and “rebuke and chasten” your wife.  Then let go of your anger.

Rush Limbaugh Awarded Medal of Freedom at State of the Union

I have been listening to Rush Limbaugh on my lunch breaks at work for almost 25 years. I was driving to an appointment on Monday listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio when he gave the sad news that he has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.

I was so happy to see that President Trump decided to award him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I was shocked that he had Melania do it right there at the State of Union Speech, I thought he was going to announce he would be giving it to him at some future ceremony. But it was a great moment.

Rush Limbaugh is the boogyman to humanists and leftists whose goal is a world without Christians, Jews, Muslims, Americans, Russians, Mexicans, Caucasians, Africans, Asians, men or women – just humans. A world where human beings have been reprogrammed to move past all these “pointless” distinctions to fully embrace a one world religion, ordered and centered around the their religion of humanism. They want a world which denies the existence of God and assigns god-like powers to humanity.

Rush Limbaugh made the following statement about these people back in 2013:

“See, in my humble opinion, folks, if you believe in God, then intellectually you cannot believe in manmade global warming … You must be either agnostic or atheistic to believe that man controls something that he can’t create.”

But to those millions of us who still believe in the traditional Biblically based values of our founding fathers he will always be a great hero. Liberal humanists had taken over radio, movies, TV and the print media for decades. They controlled the narrative each day. Millions of Americans thought they were alone until Rush Limbaugh came along with his syndicated radio show in 1988. He showed those who opposed humanism, secularism, feminism, socialism and radical environmentalism that they were not alone.

My favorite word he coined to this day is “Feminazi” to refer to feminists.

I will be praying for him that the Lord heals him. But even if God chooses not heal him, he will have left a great legacy that will go on in the myriad of conservative media that rose up because of what he started.