Masturbation Is NOT A Sin In The Bible

Nowhere in the Scriptures does the Bible condemn masturbation either by specific command or by a general principle. Yet, since the days of the early post apostolic church, Christian theologians have waged a war on this aspect of masculine sexuality as well as masculine sexuality in general. And they continue to to so to this day.

An unfortunate truth of church history is that even while the Apostles were still alive asceticism (the belief that seeking anything that is physically pleasurable is sin) began to infest the church like a plague. The Apostle Paul tried to address the growing asceticism in Colossians 2:20-23 but his words fell on deaf ears.

The popularity of asceticism would lead early church fathers like Clement to declare that a husband’s sexual desire for his wife was a desire of the flesh(the sin nature). And Augustine would later declare a husband’s sexual desire for his wife to be a venial fault.

The modern church for all its faults (and they are many) has rightly recognized part of the errors of the early church in that they no longer believe the Bible condemns a husband’s sexual desire toward his wife (nor that of a wife toward her husband).

But the church still clings to view that masturbation is still a sin that men and women may only experience sexual pleasure together as husbands and wives and they are absolutely forbidden to experience any kind of sexual pleasure by themselves as individuals.

To be sure, church leaders have attempted to use some Scriptures to support their false position on masturbation. And in this podcast I address all the faulty uses of Scripture to attempt to condemn the practice of masturbation.

The sad reality is – this teaching has placed a burden of guilt and shame on men for nearly 2000 years. It is time for this shaming of the masculine nature as God designed it to end. As you listen to this podcast and the Scriptures I present, you will see that you can be free from this burden placed upon you as a man.

We are called as Christian men to wage a daily war against our sin nature – not our masculine nature as God designed it. This is the truth this video presents.

I also briefly speak to the secular “No Fap” movement occurring in the manosphere today.

Click here to listen to this podcast on rumble.

If this podcast was a blessing to you, go to to listen to hundreds of podcasts on the topics of gender roles, life planning, courtship, marriage, and sex all from a Biblical perspective.

Please setup a free rumble account and subscribe to my new channel there so you can comment and also receive notices of new podcasts I put on that rumble channel. Also subscribing will help my channel grow, so even if you are not usually the type to subscribe – please do. You can easily setup an anonymous email and account there and subscribe.

Why Gender Matters To God

In my first podcast made exclusively for my new rumble channel I tackle the issues of transgenderism and homosexuality which are a plague on modern America.

In this podcast I will answer the following questions:

Why does our gender matter so much to God and why does he have different rules for each gender?

Why should Christians care about homosexuality and transgenderism?

Why should it matter to us if a man dresses like a woman or a woman dresses like a man?

Why should it matter to us if a man gets surgery to look more like a woman or a woman gets surgery to look more like a man?

Why should it matter to us if two men marry or two women marry?

After answering those questions from the Bible, we will do a brief survey of English and American history which brought us to the total confusion which we face today regarding the topic of gender.

And if you enjoyed this podcast, please make sure you subscribe to my new channel on It’s free to join and you can then subscribe and make comments.

Also, I have hundreds of other podcasts on my main podcast site – that are not available on Rumble. There is a small subscription fee there, but it will give access to hundreds of podcasts on gender roles, courtship, marriage and sex all from a Biblical perspective.

You can click on the image above to go to the video or click here to see the video on my new Rumble channel.

Listen to BGR on Rumble!

I have started a brand new channel over on I will be moving over old content I had over on my YouTube channel to Rumble, as well as adding new original content on Rumble. I am also in the process of converting several of my older podcasts from my subscription podcast site,, to videos for my rumble channel. is a new free speech version of YouTube and I am looking forward to being able to speak more freely there and not get my videos taken down like they have in the past on YouTube.

My plan in the coming months is to create some content that will be exclusively distributed on my new Rumble channel to get you folks over there. Creating a rumble account for just viewing is easy. Give it a try today. You can join rumble and subscribe to my channel for free! And the more subscribers I get to my channel – the more options will open for this ministry.

I greatly appreciate your support in this new extension of the ministry here at And as always, please pray that God blesses and gets his truths about biblical gender roles out to a larger audience with rumble. He has really blessed my extension Instagram in the last couple of years and I hope he does the same with Rumble.