Terrorism – An Evil That Should Unite All of Us

Within a span of less than 24 hours two terrorists coming from polar opposite political ideologies sought to terrorize the civilian population of the United States leaving 31 people dead and about 50 injured.  The first terrorist to strike was a 21-year-old white supremacist named Patrick Crusius on Saturday just after 10:30 AM.  He drove 10 hours from Allen, Texas to El Paso, Texas to carry out his heinous act of terrorism in Walmart where he opened fire with an AK-47 rifle killing 20 and wounding 26 more.  Then in less than 24 hours after just 1 A.M. a 24-year-old Antifa supporter and self-proclaimed “leftist” named Connor Betts killed 9 people and wounded 27 others in Dayton, Ohio.

About 20 minutes before Patrick Crusius launched his terrorist attack on the Walmart in El Paso, Texas he posted his manifesto online as to why he was doing it.  His reason could be summed in the following statement from his manifesto:

“This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion… makes no sense to keep on letting millions of illegal or legal immigrants flood into the United States, and to keep the tens of millions that are already here.”

Patrick Crusius purposefully targeted El Paso because he knew that it was 80 percent Hispanic and he wanted to make sure he killed Hispanics. As of this morning 2 more victims have died bringing the death toll to 22 people killed by this murderer.

He stated his dismay toward both Republicans and Democrats for their inaction.

In the manifesto he would later go on to say that it would be unrealistic to have all non-whites leave the United States and that instead the United States would have to eventually be broken up into different territories for the various races in order to keep unity among the various peoples.

But he was not consistent in his ideology either.  He supported the concept of a universal basic income to offset people losing their jobs due to automation and he also spoke of his concerns over the destruction of the environment – both of which are leftist positions.

Heavy.com  managed to scrape Connor Betts Twitter posts before Twitter took his account down.  He made statements like the following:

“Kill every fascist”

“I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding”. 

Betts was a Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders supporter as well.

Connor Betts agreed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s assessment of ice detention centers as “concentration camps” and stated “Cut the fences down. Slice ICE tires. Throw bolt cutters over the fences”.

The commonality we can see in both these cases is that both these killers sought to terrorize the citizens of the United States to bring attention to their political views and causes.

Terrorism Is Never Right

After the Charlottesville in August of 2017 I wrote an article entitled “We must denounce White, Black, Antifa and Muslim Terrorism” and in that I spoke of the fact that terrorists come from many different races, religious and political backgrounds.

In that article I gave the following definition of Terrorism:

“Terrorism is when a person or group of persons attempts to bring about a desired political or social change by specifically targeting the civilian population of the region in which they hope to bring about a change.  Terrorists attempt to “terrorize” the civilian population into pressuring their political leaders to make the changes they want.

It needs to be made clear that terrorism is not simply a person or group killing people in order to scare others into bowing to their demands.  Terrorism also occurs in the form the threats or intimidation of the demands of certain group are not met.

So, for example – if a crowd of people march through the street peacefully advocating for societal or political changes this is not terrorism. However, if this same crowd marches through the street advocating for using intimidation or violence to force society to embrace their views this would be a form of terrorism. If a group of protestors actually engages in physical violence and intimidation including burning down buildings and looting this is most definitely a form terrorism.”

What Patrick Crusius and Connor Betts did fits this definition to a tee.

I will restate here exactly what I said after Charlottesville in 2017:

While the right of self-defense is Biblical – terrorism is NEVER right. It is never right to use various means to terrorize the civilian population of any region to try and pressure the people to pressure their leaders to change laws and policies to please a certain group.

Socialism, Capitalism, Nationalism, Violent Video Games and Guns Are Not the Cause of Terrorism

We have heard already and will continue to hear in the days and weeks to come that Donald Trump and anyone who believes that the people of United States have a right to determine who comes into their country are the cause of the massacre which occurred in El Paso, Texas on Saturday.  We will also hear how gun rights and violent video games caused this massacre as well.

But the fact is we who believe in the concepts of nationalism and national sovereignty and the right to keep and bear arms are no more responsible for what happened in El Paso than Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were responsible for what occurred in Dayton, Ohio.

So, what caused these deaths in both El Paso and Dayton? Two things.

The first is Mental instability. A mentally stable person does not go out and shoot up a crown of innocent people whether to make a political point or just make a name for himself.

The second is the ideologies of White Supremacists and Antifa.   Both groups believe in using violence to achieve their political goals.  White Supremacist groups believe in using violence in an attempt to intimidate minorities in America.  Antifa believes in using violence to silence nationalists, conservatives and any other group which does not support their globalist and socialist goals.

My Position on The Issue of Race

Anyone who has read this blog for a long length of time knows that I have written extensively on the topic of race.  We as Christians cannot avoid it and we cannot sweep it under the rug.

Victor Davis Hanson in his article for the National Review – “America: History’s Exception” writes:

    “The history of nations is mostly characterized by ethnic and racial uniformity, not diversity. Most national boundaries reflected linguistic, religious, and ethnic homogeneity. Until the late 20th century, diversity was considered a liability, not a strength

Countries, ancient and modern, that have tried to unite diverse tribes have usually fared poorly. The Italian Roman Republic lasted about 500 years. In contrast, the multiracial Roman Empire that after the Edict of Caracalla in AD 212 made all its diverse peoples equal citizens endured little more than two (often violent) centuries.”

I believe, like nations of the past that attempted to “unite diverse tribes” we too have “fared poorly”. We had a civil war and multiple riots and societal upheavals over the issue of race in America.

Whites have attacked Blacks and Hispanics, and Black and Hispanics have attacked Whites for many years.  And it is absolutely true that racially based crimes have spiked in recent years and the vast majority of those has been committed by whites against racial minorities.

But the question is this, is this because of Donald Trump or something else?

In High schools, colleges and universities Whites are attacked under the guise of “Whiteness” programs.

Whites have been bombarded now for several years with major news outlets telling them things like “The US white majority will soon disappear forever” and books like Robert P. Jone’s the “The End of White Christian America” .

And let us not forget the targeted assassinations of predominately white police officers in 2016.

All of these kinds of events in recent years are like kindling in the furnace of White Supremist groups and this why the attacks from these groups have increased. Again, it must be stated that these things I have just mentioned do NOT justify such attacks or make them right in anyway.

It has been wisely said that life is 10 percent, what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it.  Some Whites react to the attacks on Whites, “Whiteness”, “White Privilege” and proclamations of the coming demise of the White majority in America with jubilee and celebration.  Others like White Supremacist groups lash out in violence.  The overwhelming majority of Whites remain silent for fear of being associated with violent White supremacist groups.  And a small minority of Whites, of whom I am one, speak out against both White supremacists as well as those who attack Whites simply for not being ashamed of their ancestry or wanting their ethnicity to continue to thrive in America.

Think about this for a minute. If any white person expresses even the least concern about their shrinking numbers in America, or if a white person encourages other people to have more children because their fertility rates have been lower – that person is denounced as a White Supremacist.

In other words, the only way to not be called a White supremacist today is if you are totally cool with the White population in America shrinking and you vehemently condemn “whiteness” and “white privilege”.

Do I think like White Supremacists and White Nationalists that Americans of northern European decent have some divine right from God to be the majority ethnic group in America? Of course not!

But then let’s ask another question.  While no group has some divine right on America, does every ethnic group in America have the right to encourage its ethnicity to grow by having more children? The answer is YES.  Yet in America every ethnic group in America can try to encourage its growth except whites.  For whites to do so is racist and evil.  There is no logic in such condemnation.

And this also goes to political concerns. It is a well-known fact that various ethnic groups tend to cluster in the neighborhoods in which they choose to live, the people whom they choose to date and marry, the churches they attend and even which political party they vote for.  Even in large liberal cities which are by far the most multiracial areas, if you go down to the neighborhood level there is almost always a majority race in that neighborhood.   If you don’t believe me just check out all these facts I have listed from multiple university and other sources that studied racial segregation as it still exists in America today.

In other words, most people marry someone of their own race, most people attend a church whose overwhelming majority is their race, most people tend to live in neighborhoods that are mostly their own race and when people vote they tend to vote with their race.

And in America most minority groups tend to vote as a block for liberal, progressive and big government policies while a large majority of whites tend to vote for more conservative policies.

So, the racial divide is very much a political ideology divide as well.

But now I want to relate this back to Patrick Crusius and the terrorist act he committed in El Paso on Saturday.  Again, whether we are White, Conservative, Republican, Nationalist, 2nd Amendment believers or if we share any societal or political concerns that this madman had this does not mean our concerns are evil because this man committed an evil act based on some of those same concerns.

We can be ashamed of what he did without be ashamed what we believe and who we are.


In Ecclesiastes 3:4 the Bible tells us that there is A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance”.  We should weep and mourn for those who lost loved ones in both these heinous terrorist acts.

We as Bible believing Christians should absolutely support our government in what will be a greatly increased battle against White supremacists who would seek to commit heinous acts of terrorism like Patrick Crusius did this last Saturday.

And that means as Whites, as Conservatives, as Republicans and as Nationalists if we hear someone threatening to commit an act of terror, we should immediately report it to the police or FBI. And we can only hope that those on the left will report suspected Antifa terrorists and that the FBI will pursue Antifa terrorists like Connor Betts with the same vigor.

We must denounce White, Black, Antifa and Muslim Terrorism

President Trump is absolutely right that we need condemn violent extremists of BOTH the “alt-right” and the “alt-left”.

Last year it was 21 police officers being assassinated or ambushed and this weekend a man drove his car through a crowd of protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia injuring 19 and killing one.  All of these events are forms of terrorism and must be equally condemned.

We as Christians need to stand up against all forms of terrorism.  Terrorism has no place in Biblical Christianity.

What is Terrorism?

Terrorism is when a person or group of persons attempts to bring about a desired political or social change by specifically targeting the civilian population of the region in which they hope to bring about a change.  Terrorists attempt to “terrorize” the civilian population into pressuring their political leaders to make the changes they want.

It needs to be made clear that terrorism is not simply a person or group killing people in order to scare others into bowing to their demands.  Terrorism also occurs in the form the threats or intimidation of the demands of certain group are not met.

So, for example – if a crowd of people march through the street peacefully advocating for societal or political changes this is not terrorism. However, if this same crowd marches through the street advocating for using intimidation or violence to force society to embrace their views this would be a form of terrorism. If a group of protestors actually engages in physical violence and intimidation including burning down buildings and looting this is most definitely a form terrorism.

Examples of White Terrorism

When the KKK and other white supremacist groups engaged in burning crosses on people’s lawns this was a form of terrorism against blacks.  When the KKK and other groups have burned down black churches and engaged in lynching’s this was a form of terrorism against blacks.  When whites stood at voting stations trying to scare blacks away from exercising their lawful right to vote this was a form of terrorism against blacks.

Most recently when Dylan Roof, an admitted white supremacist, killed 9 people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston South Carolina on June 17th, 2015 this was a textbook case of White terrorism.  Last weekend when James Alex Fields, an admitted neo nazi, used his car as a weapon to mow down counter protestors injuring 19 and killing one in Charlottesville, Virginia this was also a textbook case of White terrorism.

Examples of Black Terrorism

In the 60’s and 70’s when groups like the Black Panthers advocated for the assassinations of police officers (and many police officers were in fact assassinated) this was a form of terrorism.  When blacks marched through the street peacefully advocating for change this was not terrorism, but when blacks rioted in various cities burning down whole city blocks these actions were textbook cases of Black terrorism.  In fact, rioting by blacks has become an almost accepted form of terrorism by our current American culture over the last half century.

The threat of riots is also a form of terrorism.  Think of how many times over the past half century that jurors on certain cases had to consider that blacks in their city or cities around the country might riot and people could be hurt or killed as a result of their verdict. That fear of a riot SHOULD NEVER EVER have to be a consideration for any juror in any trial.

Recent examples of Black terrorism include the Ferguson riots in which many businesses were burned out and looting took place.  Black terrorism that was very reminiscent of the terrorism which took place in the 60s and 70s occurred last year.  On the fourth of July 2016 in New York City, a black man named Alexander Bonds, walked up to a police car in New York and assassinated a female police officer named Miosotis Familia.   Three days later on July 7th, a black man named Micah Xavier Johnson, an admitted Black Lives Matter supporter, gunned down 14 police officers killing 5 of them in Dallas, Texas.   Then only 10 days later on July 17th, another black man named Gavin Long ambushed and then assassinated 3 police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  In total, 21 police officers nationwide lost their lives to ambush style assassinations by mostly black assailants.

Examples of Muslim Terrorism

Whether it was the attacks of September 11, 2001 which killed almost 3000 people or the Boston Marathon Bombing which injured several and killed 3 people Muslim terrorism is perhaps the most rampant amongst an ideological group of people. We have almost become accustomed to hearing weekly on the news about bombs going off in crowded squares or men with cars or knives running into crowds and indiscriminately killing people all done to further the political ideologies of Radical Islamic terrorists.

Examples of Antifa Terrorism

“Antifa”, short for “Antifacists” groups have been around since the 1920’s and 1930’s but have had their numbers and financing swell since the election of Donald Trump and the could right be considered part of the “alt-left” in America.  Antifa Groups believe that violence is warranted and justified against any groups they deem to be sexist or racist or in many terms anyone opposed to progressive and socialist ideologies.

Their goal is to use force and intimidation to shut down public meetings, speaking events or protests by groups which they deem to be opponents of their ideology.

Recent examples of Antifa violence include violence against a white nationalist demonstration in Sacramento, California on July 26th 2016 where 14 people were injured including 7 being stabbed.  On Thursday, February 2nd 2017, 150 Masked Antifa protestors came to UC Berkeley to right-wing commentator Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking there.  After the violence and property damaged they caused for fear of public safety the University canceled his speaking engagement.

At a Pro-Trump rally, on April 15, 2017 Antifa members again came to violently intimidate trump supporters.  20 arrests were made and 11 people were wounded.

White Terrorists meet Antifa Terrorists at the “Unite the Right” clash in Charlottesville

The most recent White terrorist and Antifa terrorist events actually took place at the same event on the same day in Charlottesville, Virginia this last week on Saturday, August 12th 2017.  The “Unite the Right” event was organized to protest the removal of Confederate Statues and land marks in Southern States.

On Friday night, the first night of the event, men marched with white tee shirts and torchers toward a monument of Thomas Jefferson.  Their march was a meant to be a reminder of clan marches of decades before. Fights broke out with student protesters at the base of the statue and were later broken up by police.

The worst part of the event though came the next morning on Saturday, August 12th. By that time many more Neo Nazis and white supremacists had arrived but also Antifa forces had arrived in force.  The police instead of separating the Antifa and other protestors from one another for most part allowed them clash leading to extremely intensive violence with fights breaking out on both sides culminating in a neo-Nazi man named James Alex Fields, using his car to mow down 19 and killing one is very reminiscent of recent Muslim terrorist attacks.

President Trump was absolutely RIGHT when he condemned violence on “many sides”

In one of his first statements on the violence in Charlottesville President Trump stated:

 “We condemn in the strong possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides

He was criticized by many in the press and even his own Republican party for not simply denouncing the White supremacists by name in his first statements.  Most Americans, because of one sided reporting by the press, thought all the violence was coming from the White supremacist side and that was actually quite false. Some on both sides have argued that if it were not for the lack of police getting between the two groups and especially Antifa agitators looking to gin up violence the tragic death of Heather Heyer would never have occurred.

I thought this was a great statement by President Trump condemning White Terrorism and hate groups:

“And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans. Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America.”

However, I believe this statement does not go far enough. If you are going to name the names of groups involved – then you MUST name all groups involved on both sides.  Where was the condemnation of Antifa groups that came to agitate and incite violence? I realize President Trump was under a lot of political pressure but if you going to name names – you need to name both groups involved in the violence.

I am so glad that as I was writing this article President Trump had the courage to speak out against the alt-left that was also was responsible for the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia.

This was his statement in a press conference today according to CNN:

“”I think there is blame on both sides,” Trump said during a contentious back-and-forth with reporters in the lobby of his Midtown Manhattan building.

“What about the ‘alt-left’ that came charging at, as you say, the ‘alt-right,’ do they have any semblance of guilt?” Trump asked. “What about the fact they came charging with clubs in hands, swinging clubs, do they have any problem? I think they do.”
He added: “You had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. nobody wants to say it, but I will say it right now.””
President Trump also made a FABULOUS point about the error of removing confederate statues and relating it to George Washington:

“George Washington was a slave owner. So will George Washington lose his status? Are we going to take down statues to George Washington?” he said. “How about Thomas Jefferson, what do you think of Thomas Jefferson, do you like him? OK good. Are we going to take down the statues, because he was a major slave owner? Now are we going to take down his statue?”

He added: “You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?”

Hate is not always wrong – it is what we hate and how we direct our hatred

As Bible believing Christians we know that we are to love our brother but hate and rebuke their sin:

“Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.”

Leviticus 19:17 (KJV)

“But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ”

Ephesians 4:15 (KJV)

So, hating sin is righteous, but hating people is never encourage in Christianity.

If we were to translate this for non-Christians the concept would be this:

You can hate the ideology and actions of a person or group of persons and even condemn those ideologies and actions but you should never hate the person or group of persons themselves.

So practically speaking I can hate the underlying ideologies of the KKK, Neo-Nazis, Antifa and Black Lives Matter but still love them as people. I preach vehemently against these ideologies but hold no hatred for their persons in my heart.

In the political and spiritual worlds, we need to fight with words and ideas not fists, knives, guns and bombs.

“3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (KJV)

Is there a time to fight with fists, knives guns and bombs?

I just said in the political and spiritual world of disagreements and debates and in trying to push for what we think is right we should never resort to physical violence.

But that does not mean there is never a time for violence.  The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:8 that there is indeed “a time for war” and King David said “Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight” in Psalm 144:1.   Even the right and responsibility of a man to defend his home and his family is stated by the Prophet Nehemiah when he said “fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses” in Nehemiah 4:14.

So, when is violence justified whether on a national level in sense of nations going to war or the case of individuals and families?

The answer is when someone threatens the freedom or safety of our family we every right to defend ourselves and our families.  If someone were to come and try to kidnap my wife or children to use them as slaves I have every right to engage in violence against them to stop them.  If a nation threatens the safety of our nation our national leaders have a right to call us to the defense of our nation.

But just because my local, state or federal government passes policies or laws that I feel are unjust or immoral does not mean I have a right to act in violence against them until they change the laws to what I think are just and right. Now there may be times that we as Christians may or even should practice civil disobedience to those laws – but we do not have the right to go and terrorize the citizens of our area until they pressure the governing officials to change the laws and policies to our liking.


While the right of self-defense is Biblical – terrorism is NEVER right. It is never right to use various means to terrorize the civilian population of any region to try and pressure the people to pressure their leaders to change laws and policies to please a certain group.

While there are those on the right like the KKK and Neo-Nazis who try and intimidate or terrorize opponents of their views the fact is in America the vast majority of intimidation and terrorism from a political perspective comes from the left.

Conservatives, especially conservative Christians, cannot speak their views on college campuses or in their places of work without being intimidated into silence by leftists. Especially in places of learning like colleges, schools and other public venues where we should be able to openly and freely discuss things that even cut to the core of our society.  We should be able to openly and honestly discuss differences regarding faith, race, culture, views of equality, marriage and gender roles but far too often these subjects are completely shut down in our society.

In a follow-up article to this I am going to delve a bit into the topic of White nationalism.  As preview of that article we will be discussing the concept that White nationalism does equal Neo-Nazis and the KKK.  The Neo-Nazis and KKK and other violent White groups are white nationalists for sure – but not all White nationalists advocate for violence or are like Neo-Nazis or the KKK.

We will talk about White nationalism as a form of nationalism called “Ethno-nationalism”.  I realize for many of my readers they might be scratching their heads saying “why is he getting into this – this is Biblical Gender Roles after all?” and the reasons are simple.

I have said before that for most of my life I have been a student of history, theology and human nature.  On the subject of human nature, I have always been curious as to why we as humans behave the way we do and what ways we behave that are natural or right by God’s design and which ways are contrary to his design and I think as Christians we cannot avoid the subjects of racism and ethno-nationalism.


Ideology is the problem in both Black terrorism and Muslim terrorism

In the same way that some Muslim clerics bear direct responsibility for inspiring violence against western countries so too President Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and groups like Black Lives Matter bear direct responsibility for inspiring violence against the police officers of this nation.

My heart goes out to the families of the police officers who lost their lives today in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. But just as Islamic terrorism against western nations will not stop until we attack the sources of its inspiration so too Black terrorism against police will not stop until we remove the sources of its inspiration.

And please do not think I am advocating for any violence against our President or black leaders like Al Sharpton and Jackson.  By “remove” I mean we need to shame these men and these groups publically for the violence they have been inspiring for many years against police.

For decades characters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have fomented black hatred of police.  The problem in their view was not that blacks commit crimes at vastly larger rate in proportion to their population – the problem was police profiling.  Then our nation elected its first black president and instead of focusing on the problems in the black community that cause crime (like the breakdown of the family) this President chose to focus on police profiling. This President has directly fomented violence against police by giving credence to the falsehoods of people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and groups like Black Lives Matter.

We must attack the ideologies that inspire violence

In both Islamic terrorism and now in recent Black terrorism we must realize the enemy is an ideology. We cannot stop “lone wolfs” or small groups of blacks or Muslims who want to strike fear in the population at large or police in particular.  What we must do is attack the ideology that inspires these people to do the heinous things that they are doing.

Here are five things we can do to fight this propaganda war to destroy the sources of inspiration for these evil acts:

  1. Any groups which promote violent acts to terrorize citizens or police must be hunted down and brought to justice.
  2. Any websites that promote terrorism toward citizens or police must be shut down or we need target them with cyber warfare.
  3. Even groups like Black Lives Matter that do not directly promote violence but whose ideologies are indirectly inspiring terrorist acts against citizens or police must be defunded and called out as inspirations for these acts.
  4. We also need to shout from the roof tops and put in perspective the statistical facts for black citizens about the hugely disproportionate amount crime which comes out of the black community which makes race a factor in crime profiling.
  5. We need to help the black community redirect its anger and frustration with police profiling back at the problems within its own community including the fact that 90% of blacks in this country are killed by other blacks.

Black anger needs to be directed inward

The last point I just made is about the need to help blacks redirect their anger and frustration with the police back at the problems in their own community. I recently wrote a post entitled “How can we blame Police for having bias against blacks?” in which I detailed the fact that while blacks only make up 13% of the population of the United States they are responsible for more than 50 percent of murders and robberies as well as 40 percent of cop killings.

I had responses from many black people telling me that they were tired of being profiled such as being followed in stores or being pulled over by police without what they believed to be proper cause. I understand that American blacks may be frustrated by these types of things in the same way American Muslims may be bothered for being profiled.

But American Blacks and American Muslims both need to do the same thing.  They need to direct their anger and frustration inward at their own communities and those in their communities that are the CAUSE for this profiling.

The need to work in their own communities doing these four things I mentioned in my article “How can we blame Police for having bias against blacks?

  1. Encourage the rebuilding of the black family unit
  2. Discourage dependence on government
  3. Get blacks back into church
  4. Support law enforcement officers and get tough on crime

As far as profiling goes these three things MUST be accepted:

Profiling does not cause crime, crime causes profiling.

Profiling does not cause terrorism, terrorism causes profiling.

Profiling is not racism or bigotry but rather it is a common sense approach to crime and terrorism.


We need a president that instead of saying we have a “police problem” needs to say we have a “crime problem in the black community”.  The fact is that 99% of cops do their job and are not bad apples.  We cannot have a President and groups like Black Lives Matter who whip up an entire racial community against the 1% of bad apples among police to the point where police officers are literally being assassinated.

Photo Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Black_Lives_Matter_protest.jpg

How can we blame Police for having bias against blacks?

50 percent of all murders and manslaughters ,52 percent of all robberies and 40 percent of cop killings are committed by blacks even though blacks only make up 13 percent of the population of the United States.  How could we blame any police officer for having a bias toward blacks under these conditions?

I am sure that most police officers whether they are black, white, asian or another race could confirm that these statistics are not just numbers – this is what they face on a daily basis as they attempt to do their job in protecting our communities as well as protecting themselves so that they can make it home safely to their families each night.

I was watching the Kelly File with Meghan Kelly on Fox last Thursday night and they were covering the relatively peaceful protest of two black men that were killed by police officers early in the week.   I will never forget as the camera caught people running from something only to reveal two police officers laying dead on the ground and Meghan Kelly told them to turn the camera away.  Those images will be seared in my mind for the rest of my life.

It is not about a skin color, it is about a culture

It is about a culture where 67% percent of its children are born to single mothers.  It is about a culture that while being only 13 percent of the population – it produces 50 percent of all murders and manslaughters in the United States.

“Just because you can have a baby, it doesn’t mean you should,” Lemon said. “Especially without planning for one or getting married first. More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues.”


This “fatherless” black culture has directly resulted in these staggering crime rates:

Even though blacks only account for roughly 13 percent of the population they account for these percentages of crimes in United States:

50 percent of all murders and manslaughters

52 percent of all robberies

33 percent of all aggravated assaults

32 percent of all forcible rapes

So what this tells us is that we have a culture that represents a small percentage of our population, but disproportionately represents a very high percentage of our crime.

“Criminologists we contacted also told us that those absolute figures — when used correctly —  tell only half the story. When talking about risks to society, it is equally important to provide the population-based rate. When we do that, the threat of violent crimes posed by blacks looks larger than that of whites.”


Economics are not an excuse for high black crime rates

The usual response from when many American black culture leaders(including Black Lives Matter leaders) are confronted with these statistics is that “this is all about economics”.  If black people just made more money all of these problems would go away – or so we are told.

These crime rates by race and income below prove that the “economics” argument is a faulty answer to problem of disproportionately high rates of crimes among blacks:


Slavery and past injustices are not an excuse either for high black crime rates

One of the biggest problems in the black community is a large percentage of blacks see themselves as victims of injustice such as slavery or racist polices that followed slavery.

Were blacks victimized by whites in America in the past? Absolutely.  I have written about the evils the system of slavery that was practiced in the United States:

“On the other hand, the slavery in practice in America was completely different than the slavery that was allowed by the Bible. Chains were a very a common occurrence with slavery in America. It was based on the false ideology that one race was less human than others and they could be enslaved if for no other reason than their race…

Besides American slavery being based on race – it massively failed the two tests of Biblical Slavery that I mentioned above. Africans were kidnapped from their homes. They were treated worse than animals and loaded on to ships without proper food, clothing and shelter. Many Africans died while on Ships coming to America. Many African women were raped by their owners, instead being given the full status of wives. They were often physically abused and even sometimes murdered. But because they were not considered fully human, no punishments were given.”


My point in that post was that while Christians do not have to be ashamed of the slavery that God allowed Israel as a theocracy to practice we should be ashamed of the slavery that America practiced in its earlier days. My larger point though as it relates to this post is that of course we should fully acknowledge as Christians and as Americans the grave injustices committed against blacks in nation’s past.

We should also acknowledge that even after blacks were freed from slavery in America they were often treated unfairly by both government officials and private businesses. This unfair treatment lead to the Civil Rights movement lead by men such as Martin Luther King.

But it is a mistake for any black person today to blame their family, economic or criminal issues past wrongs of the American culture toward blacks. In the decades that followed the civil rights movement the American culture has basically bent over backwards to help blacks in America.

The Liberals War on Poverty actually helped cause the fatherless problem in the black culture

In his article entitled “7 Ways the War on Poverty Destroyed Black Fatherhood” author Nick Chiles writes:

“Welfare programs created disincentives for couples to get married because benefits are reduced as a family’s income rises. A mother will receive far more from welfare if she is single than if she has an employed husband in the home. For many low-income couples, marriage means a reduction in government assistance and an overall decline in the couple’s joint income — a reduction of benefits by an average of 10 percent to 20 percent of their total income. Because so many of the other programs low-income women rely on — such as food stamps, public housing, Medicaid and public day care — also carry a means test, single mothers are cut off from a wide range of government services if they decide to marry and subsequently raise their income. Over time, for many Black women in low-income neighborhoods, they see the father of their child(ren) as a less reliable breadwinner and partner than the federal government.”


But can we blame the fatherless family’s epidemic completely on welfare programs that dis-incentivized marriage? The answer is no.  Ultimately black men and women made their own decision based on economic reasons to leave one of God’s greatest institutions in the dust bin. Black women decided they did not need black men anymore to have a family and black men decided they did not need marriage.

So what does this all have to do with the Dallas shootings?

The root causes of heinous murder of five Dallas police officers and the wounding of seven others has been falsely attributed anger in the black community over the police shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota.

The problem is NOT unjust shootings of blacks by police officers.  The problem is rampant out of control crime and a blatant lack of respect in the black community for themselves and for law enforcement officials.

My father always taught me from a very young age to respect my authorities.  I was taught to respect my parents, my pastor, my teachers and also police officers. I was told if a police officer pulled me over to do everything he said and answer him with “yes sir and no sir”.

I actually was arrested as a young man when I was 17 years old. I had many speeding tickets and had an address change and did not receive a notice to retake drivers training.  Because I did not respond to the notice my license was suspended without my knowledge. I was pulled over for speeding and then the officer asked me to get of car and he asked to me to put my hands behind my back and he placed me under arrest.  I submitted respectfully to the officer as my father taught me to do even though I did not understand at the time what was happening.

Today many blacks have horrible and disrespectful attitudes towards police when they are pulled over.  Even if they think the reason is unfair – two wrongs never make a right.  You let the police officer do what he thinks he needs to do and if you disagree you can have your day in court. That is how our system works.

Because blacks often resist arrest bad things happen. That is just the truth of the matter. Many black men might not have lost their lives or been injured by police if they would have respectfully submitted to the police officer’s authority.

Perhaps these two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota were killed unjustly.  But right now we don’t know the whole story.  Could the one man have been resisting arrest? Could the other have been moving his hands around when the officer told him to keep his hands where he could see them? We will find out soon enough.

The ugly truth that the black community and black culture must come to grips with is that even if those two shootings were not justified – Police officers have every right to have a bias toward blacks based on the crime statistics I showed previously as well as the statistics offered in this article from the Wall Street Journal:

“Police officers—of all races—are also disproportionately endangered by black assailants. Over the past decade, according to FBI data, 40% of cop killers have been black. Officers are killed by blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than the rate at which blacks are killed by police.

Some may find evidence of police bias in the fact that blacks make up 26% of the police-shooting victims, compared with their 13% representation in the national population. But as residents of poor black neighborhoods know too well, violent crimes are disproportionately committed by blacks. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks were charged with 62% of all robberies, 57% of murders and 45% of assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties in 2009, though they made up roughly 15% of the population there.

Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force.”


How can we blame police officers who may have some bias toward blacks when they constantly hear over the police radio “suspect is black male….”

How can we blame police officers for having even unconscious bias toward blacks in suspicious situations when 40% of cop killers are black even though they only make up 13% of the population?

How can we scream “racist” toward police officers who day in and day out see the utter disrespect that blacks show toward themselves and toward law enforcement officers?

What is the solution to this crisis that we face with the black community and conflicts with police officers?

There are two long term solutions to help reduce crime in the black community.

Long Term Solution 1# – Encourage the rebuilding of the black family unit

“Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.”

I Corinthians 7:2 (KJV)

We need to support ministries and initiatives that encourage abstinence and marriage in the black community. My church supports black ministers that act almost as missionaries to inner cities to do just this.  By encouraging strong families with father’s present to love, teach and discipline their children we will help to bring about a new generation of black men that will have greater respect for themselves and for their authorities (parents, teachers, and police officers).

Long Term Solution 2# – Discourage dependence on government

“For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

II Thessalonians 3:10 (KJV)

We need to discourage dependence on government and instead encourage self-reliance and this applies not only to the black community but to all races in America.  People need to learn the value of working hard for their own money and not expect government handouts.  Blacks, whites and all races need to learn to be content even if they are poorer.

But while the longer term solutions are being implemented we must face the realities of today with broken families and high crime rates in the black community.

Below are two short term solutions that should be implemented now.

Short Term Solution 1# – Get blacks back into church

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Hebrews 10:25 (KJV)

Even if blacks come from broken homes there are solutions we can try to help in the short term. I don’t have the stats handy but I am sure they out there.  I have read before that blacks that are raised in church and faithfully attend church even with single mothers have a much lower chance of getting into crime and other types of trouble.  As Christians we need to encourage our black neighbors to get back to church. The Church I attend while being primarily white does have blacks as well and we encourage all races to attend our church.  This is the way all churches should be.

Ultimately we want to see blacks, as we do all people, come to Christ.   A black man who has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in his heart and wants to serve God is going to be far less likely to get into crime than a black man without Christ.  He is going to want to get married and raise his family in a way that honors God.

Short Term Solution #2 – Support law enforcement officers and get tough on crime

Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.”

Romans 13:2-4 (KJV)

I don’t care if you are white, black, Hispanic or Asian.  If a police officer tells you to do something – you do it. If he asks you a question – you answer it. If he tell you to keep your hands where he can see them – you do it.  If he arrests you – you allow him to do that.  If you feel you were mistreated – save it for the judge.  If “stop and frisk” measures reduce crime in any city – than we need to support these measures.  And the most important thing is – we need to ALWAYS given our police officers the benefit of the doubt in any use of force situation.  They risk their lives day in and day out for our safety as a culture and we owe them that respect and appreciation for what they do.


The black community does not have an economic problem – it has a family problem and it has a respect problem as a result of breakdown of the family.

I pray that God will be with the families of the five police officers that were killed and the seven others that were wounded by this mad man.

I also pray that our nation and especially the black community will wake up to the fact that the problem is not with police officers – but it is with the black community itself.  The black community needs to look inward and do some serious self-reflecting.

As whites and other races, we cannot go in and fix the black community.  All we can do is support black leaders who want to do the things I mentioned above whether it is financially supporting their ministries or just offering them moral support and of course keeping them in our prayers.