Are Strapless Wedding Dresses Immodest for Christian Women?

Many Christian women are told that it is immodest for them to consider any type of strapless wedding dress.  The primary reason they are told strapless wedding dresses are immodest is because they expose a woman’s shoulders and draw more attention to her cleavage which in turn will cause the men at the wedding and reception to lust.

The problem with this condemnation of Christian brides wearing strapless wedding dresses is that it is based on a faulty understanding of how the Bible defines modesty and lust.

In my new article for entitled “Are Strapless Wedding Dresses Immodest for Christian Women” I answer this question from the Bible and show how some traditional teachings about lust and modesty are not actually in line with the Biblical definitions of lust and modesty.

Click here to go that article.

Four Biblical Ways a Christian Wife Can Cope with a Cheating Husband

The world and sadly many churches today tell women to leave their cheating husbands.   But is this what the Bible tells women to do? How can a woman possibly stay with a cheating husband? How could she cope with this on a daily basis and have any kind of a relationship with her husband knowing what he is doing?

In my new podcast series on entitled “Four Biblical Ways a Christian Wife Can Cope with a Cheating Husband”, I first start out with an email from a Christian wife named Beth.  She has been married 8 years and has three children.  She recently discovered that her husband has been engaging in sexual sin while he is away on business trips.

I help her and other wives to navigate the range of emotions they are experiencing and point them to the Bible to put their husbands’ sin in a right Biblical perspective.  It is only when a woman sees her husband’s sin from God’s perspective and that she can fully accept how God wants her to cope with her husband’s sin.

Whoremongering husbands are nothing new in the history of the world.   Both men and women have been engaging in sexual sin since the beginning of mankind.  And as with many things in the Bible, his instructions to wives in how to deal with and cope with their husband’s sin is different than his instructions for men. 

It is possible for a Christian wife to have a good relationship, a loving relationship, with her whoremongering husband if she follows the commands and principles of the Word of God that I talk about in this series.

Many Christian women today may find this impossible to believe, but with God all things are possible. 

Even if you are not married or are married and don’t have a whoremongering husband, the Biblical principles in this series will help to strengthen your marriage.

Click here to go to today and subscribe to listen to this series as well as hundreds of other podcasts on masculinity, femininity courtship, marriage and sex all from a Biblical perspective.

The Bible Never Calls Women “Daughters of the King”

This “daughter of the king” theology (really heresy) has been taught for many years by both conservative and liberal Christian women.  And this teaching has been extended to men being taught that “Husbands should treat their wives as daughters of the king”.  In other words, husbands should treat their wives as princesses.

In her book “Everyday Princess: Daughter of the King”, Sheila Keckler Butt writes the following:

“Young ladies: Wouldn’t it be awesome to be a real princess… not just for a day… or for a month… but for everyday… forever?! God invites as to be just that, and then gives us the perfect instruction manual for becoming His child and living like a courageous daughter of The King.”

But the truth is that nowhere, not one time in the Scriptures, are Christian women referred to as “Daughters of the King” or as princesses.

Christians Have One Prince and That is Jesus Christ

The Bible calls us “the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26).  And it also says God “predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself” (Ephesians 1:5).  So, we as believers are adopted children of God through faith in Jesus Christ – Amen.

The Bible calls us as Christians “a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) and says that we are citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20).   

But the Bible never ever refers to Christians as princes or princesses.  Only Jesus Christ is called a prince in relation to God:

“The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.”

Acts 5:30-31 (KJV)

Does the Bible Tell Husbands to Treat their Wives as Daughters of the King or Princesses?

Nowhere does the Bible say what we see on Instagram, Facebook pages or Christian blogs that husbands should treat their wives as “daughters of king” aka princesses.   But rather, this is how the Bible actually tells husbands to treat their wives:

“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.”

1 Peter 3:7 (KJV)

The Bible teaches us that men are to honor their wives as “the weaker vessel” and if their wife is a Christian, they are to honor her as a fellow heir of eternal life.  Neither this passage, or any other passage of the Bible tells men to honor their wives as “daughters of the king” or “princesses of God”.

But while the Bible never refers to Christians as princes or princesses it does in fact refer to husbands as the earthly lords (masters) of their wives:

“For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.”

1 Peter 3:5-6 (KJV)


God has given women an important part to play in his creation plan.   He has made woman beautiful for man, to bring man pleasure, to bear and care for his children, to keep his home and submit to and serve him (Song of Solomon 4:7, Proverbs 5:18-19, 1 Timothy 5:14, Ephesians 5:22-24).

The modern “daughter of the king” teaching which is popular among Christian women today is just another way of elevating women to a place God never meant them to be in.   

The Bible does not teach that husbands should treat their wives as “daughters of the king” but it does teach women to treat their husbands as their masters (1 Peter 3:5-6).

To listen to hundreds of podcasts about gender roles, masculinity, femininity, courting, marriage and sex all from a Biblical perspective go to and subscribe today. 

Submissiveness, Reverence, Trustworthiness and Sexiness – 4 Habits Every Newlywed Wife Needs

There are four habits that every newlywed Christian wife needs to form in her marriage beginning on her wedding day.  And these are the habits of submissiveness, reverence, trustworthiness and sexiness.  In this new podcast I have produced for, I supply newlywed wives with biblically based, detailed and practical ways to help them establish these habits.

And on the term “sexiness”.  A lot of traditional women would have no issue with the habits of submissiveness, reverence and trustworthiness be required for wives but they would immediately raise their eyes at the thought that they must be sexy for their husbands.  Some think it is “un-lady like” or immodest for a wife to act in sexually arousing ways toward her husband.  Other women might say “I know I have to be submissive to my husband’s sexual desires – but where does the Bible say I have to be sexy toward him?”

In this podcast I show the answers to these questions and concerns from the Bible and practically apply these truths for newlywed Christian wives.  And while this podcast is primarily directed at newlywed Christian wives, it is never too late for Christian women who have been married many years to learn to incorporate these habits in their marriages as well.

Click here to go to and subscribe to listen to this podcast as well as gain access to hundreds of podcasts on the topics of masculinity, femininity, courtship, marriage and sex all from a Biblical perspective.