A Legend Dies

Yesterday I went to run an errand on my lunch break and turned on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show as was my normal habit. He has had people filling in for him as he has battled lung cancer over the last year so I did not expect to hear him. But as the show started I heard a woman’s voice and I figured out right away it was his wife and that Rush had passed away.

I never met the man, but I felt like I knew him on a personal level as he had shared his life’s struggles for over 30 years on the radio. I knew he did not have long, but like everyone else, I just wanted to hear him one more time on the radio.

I started listening to Rush right after high school in the early 90s. He really spoke for me and millions of Americans. He said what we all wanted to say and gave conservatives a voice. He was a warrior against the evils of feminism, socialism, globalism and radical environmentalism. He was staunchly pro-life, pro-second amendment and pro-freedom of speech. He loved God and he was a generous man.

He paved the way for talk radio and then eventually conservative TV like Fox News, New Max and One America. And it was not just the media that he changed. He helped change the political landscape ushering in the conservative revolution that started in the 90s.

You can read more on his faith and some of my favorite quotes by him by clicking here to go the Biblicist Report.

Red Pill Podcast Series

I have just published a 7 part podcast series on Red Pill to BGRLearning.com. This is based upon my earlier 7 part series I wrote here on Biblicalgenderroles.com. I had a lot of feedback from readers about it and interest in me doing a podcast version of it so here it is!

You can click here to go to BGRLearning.com to subscribe and listen to this series and many other series as well.